


Wow! In less than 7 days, we will experience the iPhone from Apple.
This new phone/pda has a Rotating feature, i.e. I am viewing a video, mail, article or picture with the long side in a vertical position…I simple rotate the device such that the long side is now horizontal and Bang! The god dawn image rotates….there goes my expensive Palm T/X and my beautiful Pearl….sniff, sniff. Now, I don’t have to rotate the device and my head to read/view the image. My god…this is the most amazing technological achievement since slice bread.

Unbelievably, you are now able to select the voicemail you wish to listen to and also the choice of determine the order. This is awesome; finally, someone has moved this feature from the PC world (Exchange, Lotus Notes) to a handheld device. Now, I don’t have to bear the pain of listening to telemarketers, beggars (some of them are for a good cause) , eXs, etc, etc….the power is now in my finger tip and not a stylus.

Look at this Apple TV commercial which says it all. It is cool. Now, let us see if Apple has the marketing skill of converting 10% of the 8 million Blackberry users…I know I will be one of those, not the first but as soon as I dump my Pearl on eBay and Rogers is ready for the iPhone.


Vikesh said...

Correction, the iPhone is being released on June 29th, just a little more than 7 days away. The initial release is only in the States, so Canadians will need to wait for an unspecified time.

I think the iPhone is great for the smartphone market overall as it is bringing awareness to the general public that your phone can do more than just make phone calls.

Triage-ITC Info said...

Thanks for the correction in the number of days...I was counti9ng business days and not actuals days.

It is a beauty and the hype has picked up...again!!! Do you know why? Microsoft is launching their Surface on June 29.