

My blood went very warm when I saw this full-page advertisement in today's Globe & Mail, ROB about the myth of wireless service in Canada. I am assuming QUEBECORE MEDIA placed the ad, http://www.quebecor.com/

Bang! right on the head of the nail...it is what I have been saying for years; my son pays less than US$40 for over 1500 minutes and I'm paying more than $50 for less than 1000 minutes and I live less than 60 minutes from the 49th parallel. How could this be? We are members of the group of 8 (yes, G8) and our prices and service is equivalent to a developing country...more to come, after my breakfast. However, please check out more at the COALTION FOR WIRELESS COMPETITION at http://www.wirelessfuture.ca/


I will list the myths itemized in the ad and hopefully I will take discuss these myths, as seen by Triage ITC.

1. Canada has an open, competitive wireless market.
2. Canadians are well served by three national carriers.
3. Canadian wireless providers offer state-of-the-art technology.
4. Things are fine as they are, nothing needs to change.


Anonymous said...

Simply put your comparison is highly flawed as you are comparing two separate economies with different structure. USA has a population of 300M and 30M people respectively. Economies of scale in the different market places could provide some of your answers. There are a number of low cost providers/resellers in Canada struggling to survive (Virgin Mobile, Solo Mobile, etc.) and a list of those who fell by the wayside (Fido, etc). You can switch to cheaper service and when you do please let us know.



Vikesh said...

Canada's data rates are among the highest in the world. If more competition brings down data rates for the average consumer, then bring it on. Competition, in my opinion, is always good for everyone.